Drone attack on a high-rise apartment building in Kyiv on New Year’s Eve

Kyiv University professors killed in the attack: neurobiologist Igor Zyma and biochemist Olesya Sokur

14 people killed and 127 wounded when a bomb hit a crowd in Zaporizhzhia
The moment of the bombing

First responders

Getting the victims to help
A missle strike on the city of Kyiv
8 killed in a missile strike on a high-rise apartment building in the city of Sumy

14 killed in a missle strike on a high-rise apartment building in the city of Poltava

Young family of 4 killed

More people killed

The crowd in our Ukrainian Baptist Church in Germany

Some of the kids in Sunday School holding the New Testament we translated

Our familly at Sashko’s 23rd birthday

Happy 14th birthday, Matviy!

Andriy and Matviy

Yurko and Matviy

Evelina, Sashko, Timothy and Matviy