Drone attack on a high-rise apartment building in Kyiv

Debris, damaged cars, one woman killed and several people wounded as a result of the attack

An man injured in the attack
The aftermath of the missile attack

Missile attack on a cliniс in the city of Dnipro took 2 lives
Ruined and burned clinic
Brave firefighters
extinguishing the fire

Missile attack on an apartment building in the city of Kryviy Rig took 12 lives

Destroyed building
No more apartment building

Kachovka dam before and after the destruction
Water rushing through the destroyed dam
The flooded city of Kherson

Volunteers evacuating people from the city of Kherson

Evacuating the elderly in Kherson

People escaping the best they can

Saving the livestock

Russians firing at those evacuating
The flooded city of Oleshky. It is 90% flooded, the water level on the streets reaching 3 meters

Dead people found after the water receded

Drowned livestock

This is what love and faithfulness looks like: a young lady is caring for her woonded husband in the hospital, now blind and without arms

Large print New Testaments for evangelistic Bible study

Bible study

Evangelistic meeting in Kherson at a local Baptist church

Reading New Testaments received at the meeting

People of Polvata region got their New Testaments after the evangelism

… both young and old

… both parents and children

… both girls

… and boys.

Distributing New Testements in personal evangelism in park

… and talking about Jesus to the interested

Scripture for wounded soldiers in the hospital

Scripture for our defenders

Street evangelism with Scripture distribution

New Testaments for Christian rehabilitation center

Evangelism for internally displaced persons in Kyiv

… followed by food and Scripture distribution

… and some other necesseties like diapers

Happy to be cared for by Christians

Internally displaced persons in the city of Uzhgorod received New Testaments

Reading the Scripture

“We have our copies, too”

New Testaments for car mechanics

A New Testament for a saleslady

A New Testament for a repairman

A famous Ukrainian boxer and trainer V. Borovsky got his New Testament
Thanks it makes one really be faithful in praying for others. I loved the one with the couples where the husband is blind and no arms that and many others brought tears to my eyes it is true we need to pray fro the brethren not only here but abroad it make you put a picture and petition god for help thanks for sharing this awful war.