July/August 2013 Prayer Letter Pictures

Preaching on revival at family camp

Preaching on revival at family camp

Playing guitar for special singing at family camp

Playing guitar for special singing at family camp

Guys playing soccer at family camp

People gathered on the bank for the baptism service. This is a typical way baptisms are conducted in Ukraine.

People gathered on the bank for the baptism service. This is a typical way baptisms are conducted in Ukraine.

Sasha Sr. and Sasha Jr. just before they stepped in to the water.

Sasha Jr. and Sasha Sr. just before they stepped in to the water.

Happy Birthday, mama!

Happy Birthday, Mama!

Singing around the campfire at summer camp

Singing around the campfire at summer camp

Bible lesson in a tent

Bible lesson in a tent


The house that they all built at summer camp

Happy 5th Birthday, Andriyko!

Happy 5th Birthday, Andriyko!

Finally 5 years old!


3 thoughts on “July/August 2013 Prayer Letter Pictures

  1. Love your family. I was hoping to get together with you in Kiev but there just seemed not to be enough time. People at Otchiy Dim are so busy and I got caught up with them. I was dependent on people to take me . I think it would have been better if you were able to come to me. If you are in the USA let me know. Lord bless. Walter

  2. Walter, I was very busy at the time too but I really regret I did not make an extra effort to come meet you. I will be sure to let you know when we are in the USA. Or if you come to Ukraine again, I will plan to meet you.

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